Saturday, February 29, 2020

No one

Through the back door that was left open, the breeze, like me, invited itself in. Sheer curtains billowing in the threshold, the children seemed to have disappeared. 

Thursday, February 27, 2020

The snow melted their heart.
"i knew as we were walking across the bridge in the bluish light that this would be a moment i would remember fondly and achingly, if i were to find myself one day without ___. That, if one day I found myself in a dark grueling tunnel again, which i would know will eventually terminate, i shall look forward to another day in the bluish light, crossing a bridge with someone different, who too i will remember for as long as my sanity remained in the material world. "

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Contesting the sated child, whose hunger at a raw smorgasbord was for security and praise, Anguis whispers: "May you always be lit by the fires of life, for being ignited is transformative. Nothing touched by flame remains the same."
How cows raised some of you
One continuous shot until the player finishes or dies

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Death to full-ish cerebrations 

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

snowy tree cricket

If you encounter a snowy tree cricket, you can approximate the air temperature in fahrenheit. First count the number of songs given in 13 seconds then add 40.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The first sheep was special
The second sheep was special
The third sheep was black
The fourth sheep was a cannibal
The fifth sheep was special