Friday, February 27, 2015

"From now on, you've got to pay attention to how you look," she said when they were back in the car. As he stared at the ravaged hands clutching the wheel, Gal felt they belonged to someone else. "You've got to be fashion-conscious," she was saying. "Fashion is the silliest, vainest game there is, which is exactly why it's so much fun. Do you know what clothes and makeup are for? Why we put them on? Just to take them off, to have something to strip away in order to feel naked. They are there to evoke what can’t be seen. But that, of course, is the joke, because when you strip off the clothes and wash all that makeup, what do you have? Hairstyle."

Friday, February 13, 2015

I don't know what you need me for
Your glass is filled to the brim
And I'm not drinking 
Bring me a pry bar, will you? I can't seem to open my fist


Like a stray in the rain,

Dripping with your guerlain
when memories sprout

창으로 바다가 들어온다
엉켜 붙던 먹구름 사이로 햇빛은 찢고
그저 출렁이던 수면은 여기저기 눈부시며

띄엄띄엄 비춰진 저 비단결 
띄엄띄엄 황홀하다 저 비단결
보라 이 밀연탱아 나를 밝힌다

이런 아름다운 광경을 본 적이 있나
나는 평생 너의 행복에 기여할 수 없을 거다.